The Stoic Perspective on Human Liberation

The importance of focusing on what we can control in order to achieve true liberation.


12/17/20232 min read

man in black pullover hoodie
man in black pullover hoodie

The Stoic philosophers have long emphasized the importance of focusing on what we can control in order to achieve true liberation. According to their teachings, our minds are the only aspect of ourselves that we have complete control over. This philosophy becomes particularly relevant when we consider the challenges posed by the human body, such as mortality, genetic variations, and gender.

Mortality is an inherent part of the human condition. No matter our efforts, we cannot escape the reality that life is finite. However, the Stoics argue that by accepting this fact and focusing on how we live our lives, we can find a sense of liberation. By directing our attention to our thoughts and actions, rather than dwelling on the inevitability of death, we can make the most of the time we have and find fulfillment.

Genetic variations are another aspect of the human body that can pose challenges. Each individual is born with a unique genetic makeup, which can influence our physical and mental characteristics. However, the Stoics would argue that these variations should not be a source of distress or dissatisfaction. Instead, they encourage us to embrace our individuality and focus on developing virtues and qualities that are within our control, such as kindness, wisdom, and resilience.

Gender is another topic that the Stoics would approach from a perspective of acceptance and focus on what we can control. While society often imposes certain expectations and limitations based on gender, the Stoics would argue that true liberation comes from recognizing that these external factors should not define our worth or limit our potential. Instead, they would encourage individuals to cultivate their inner virtues and live in accordance with their own values, regardless of societal expectations.

By adopting a Stoic mindset, we can navigate the challenges posed by the human body and find a sense of liberation. While we may not have control over our mortality, genetic variations, or societal expectations, we do have control over our thoughts, actions, and attitudes. By focusing on what is within our control and accepting the aspects of our bodies that are beyond our control, we can live a more fulfilling and liberated life.