Working Towards Social Justice: Building Skills for Adults with Forensic History


12/21/20232 min read

a man wearing a hat standing next to a rock
a man wearing a hat standing next to a rock

Working with adults who have a forensic history can be both challenging and rewarding. As a professional in this field, my primary goal was to develop care plans that help these individuals build skills and create a foundation for a better future. This work was driven by a deep concern for social justice and a strong desire to contribute to the creation of a more equitable society.

One of the key aspects of my role was to address the histories of abuse, neglect, isolation, and trauma that many of these individuals have experienced. These experiences can have a profound impact on their lives, often leading to a sense of hopelessness and a lack of direction. By developing care plans that focus on building skills, I aimed to empower them to overcome these challenges and discover meaning and purpose for their lives.

The first step in developing a care plan is to conduct a thorough assessment of each individual's unique needs and circumstances. This involves gathering information about their personal history, identifying any existing strengths, and understanding the specific areas where support is required. By taking this holistic approach, I can ensure that the care plan is tailored to their individual needs and goals.

Building skills is a crucial component of these care plans. This may include providing educational opportunities, vocational training, or therapeutic interventions aimed at improving their emotional well-being. The goal is to equip them with the necessary tools to navigate the challenges they may face and to enhance their overall quality of life.

Additionally, I believe in the importance of creating a supportive and inclusive environment for these individuals. This involves collaborating with other professionals, such as psychologists, social workers, and counselors, to ensure that they receive comprehensive care. It also involves fostering a sense of community and belonging, where individuals can feel safe and supported as they work towards their goals.

While the work I did was undoubtedly challenging, it was also incredibly rewarding. Witnessing the transformation and growth of these individuals as they develop new skills and find purpose in their lives was truly inspiring. It reinforced my belief in the power of care and support to create positive change.

In conclusion, working with adults with a forensic history is an opportunity to contribute to social justice and promote equity in our society. By developing care plans that focus on building skills, addressing past trauma, and fostering a supportive environment, we can help these individuals overcome their challenges and discover a meaningful and purposeful life.